Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a holistic approach that involves deep relaxation and energy that is all around us. Click here to read more about Reiki

Does Reiki involve any medical instruments or touching?

NO funny tools or instruments. Just some Sage, Palo Santo, Essential oils, Crystals and my hands. The session can be done completely hands off or with gentle touch. The other items mentioned can also be excluded at request.

How should I prep before my appointment?

Arrive well rested and in comfortable clothes. I do suggest to not have caffeine an hour before your session. In my personal experience, caffeine has hindered my ability to slow my thoughts. However, you can be the judge. Remember that this is meant to be a relaxing and soothing session. You be the judge. I suggest you bring water and a journal if you would like. If you forget your water, no worries, tea and water is on site as well.

How often should I book a session?

This is completely up to you as only you are the witness to your energy and mood. If you have many deep wounds and healing to be done, I do recommend monthly sessions. If you prefer to keep your energy cleansed and renewed with the seasons, you can do it once every three months. I have had some clients I see bi weekly, some monthly, others quarterly. It is totally up to you.

If you are new to starting Reiki, I do suggest a minimum of two/three sessions. I adapt your future appointments to your needs and my observations from the first appointment in order to really get the gunk out and get the joy flowing through you.

Every day is a chance to change your life.